Health Office
Below you will find various forms needed for the Health Office.
School Entry Health Checkup Form – It is a requirement that all children must have a health checkup within the 18 months before first grade or up to 90 days after starting first grade. Please take this form to your medical provider for them to complete and return it to the school office.
Please make sure your child’s immunizations are up to date at this time as well. Proof of Immunizations is required for school entry.
Immunizations Required for School Entry – Please be sure your child’s Immunizations are up to date. If they are missing shots, work with your medical provider to set up a schedule to bring them current.
Report of Dental Examination – The purpose of the dental examination is to promote school readiness and academic achievement through preventative healthcare.
Public Health History – This provides the school with additional information about your child’s health. The conditions listed on this form may require a Health Care Plan. Please complete this form and communicate with the Health Office.
Emergency Plan for Severe Allergic Reaction – This form should be filled out whether or not your child has a known allergy. If your child has a known allergy, the school will request you provide the necessary medication to treat in case the child comes in contact with the allergen (Benadryl, Epipen). If your child has an allergy please submit this form to the front office as soon as possible, along with any necessary medication.
Medication Authorization and Plan – All students receiving medication at school are required to complete this form. Prescription and non-prescription medications are permitted at school ONLY when this completed form is on file. If any conditions of this authorization change, a new form must be completed and signed by doctor or parent. This form is valid for ONE school year and must be renewed annually.
*Please note – The school keeps no medication on hand to provide to students. Any medication they may need must be provided by the parents, in its original package and accompanied by the Medication Authorization and Plan form.